What is a Job Simulation?

Job simulation or skill assessment has become a popular tool for employers to evaluate the skills and capabilities of potential candidates. But what are job simulations, and how do they benefit job seeker? In this article, we will explore the definition of job simulations, advantages for job seekers, and one example how to appropriately use them.

Definition of a job simulation

A job simulation is a type of evaluation that reflects the tasks and working environment of a specific job. It is made to assess a job candidate’s skills and abilities and competencies needed for the position. Role-playing, case studies, situational judgment tests, and other tasks that are relevant to the job can all be included in job simulations. A job simulation’s objective is to offer a realistic and unbiased evaluation of a candidate’s potential job performance. Hiring managers can learn more about how a candidate might perform on the job, how they approach problem-solving, how they interact with coworkers and customers, and how they handle stress and pressure by simulating the workplace.

In the hiring process for jobs requiring practical knowledge and skills, such as those in manufacturing, healthcare, customer service, and other technical or skilled fields, job simulations are frequently used. They are also used to assess candidates for leadership positions, where the ability to make decisions and solve problems is crucial.


Generic vs. customized job simulation

Customized and generic job simulations are two types of simulations that employers can use to assess the skills and competencies of job candidates. Here are the key differences between the two:

On the one hand, generic job simulations are created to assess general skills and competencies that are applicable across various jobs and industries. They can be given to a larger pool of candidates and are on a role level. So they are simplified and assume e.g. that a Data Scientist needs the same skill set across different industries, companies and jobs.

Generic job simulations, however, might not be appropriate for all jobs or industries, especially those that demand a particular set of technical abilities or expertise. Customized job simulations may be more suitable in these situations.

The objective of customized job simulations is to assess the particular skills and competencies needed for a given position and industry. They are created specifically to meet job requirements and model real-world situations that potential employees are likely to face.

Customized job simulations are more detailed and require more time and resources to develop and administer than generic job simulations. However, they provide a more accurate evaluation of a candidate’s suitability for a specific job or role, and can be used to predict job performance more effectively.

AI-based job simulation platform for jobseekers in data

About-skills.com is a newly founded platform from Berlin made for jobseekers. It can generate a short but powerful job simulation for any job in data. The special feature of the platform is that the artificial intelligence behind it generates the customized job simulation based on the exact skill requirements described in a job ad. This makes AboutSkills very useful for job preparations and practicing before the actual interview as it captures all the required skills needed for that particular job. Thus you can beat the job simulation tools used by employers.

A second advantage of AboutSkills is that it can help find jobs that one might not have found otherwise. The algorithm searches through thousands of job postings on the internet and extracts the required skills at a high level of detail. It then compares these skills with the skills of the job seeker, provided that they have completed at least one skill assessment on AboutSkills. This matches the jobs based on specific skills.



Job simulations can provide numerous benefits for job seekers, including accurate evaluation, skill development, and objective feedback. Candidates can make the most of job simulations by being prepared, following instructions, communicating effectively, and evaluating their performance. Ultimately, job simulations can be a valuable tool for identifying the best fit for a role, developing employee skills and competencies, and fostering professional growth.








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